
Memorial Day Murph - 5/30/2016

Join us this Memorial Day at 9am as we participate in the Hero WOD 'Murph'.


For time:
1 mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 mile Run

In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.

This workout was one of Mike's favorites and he'd named it "Body Armor". From here on it will be referred to as "Murph" in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.

Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you've got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.


4 All Heroes competition - April 23


4 All Heroes competition - April 23

In their honor.


4 All Heroes is coming to Venture CrossFit on April 23rd for a 1-day individual competition benefiting the National Military Family Association. Our goal is to allow athletes at any fitness level to compete, socialize with a great community & support a great cause. Join us for an exciting competition as an athlete or spectator! 

The event is an individual event with three divisions for male and female athletes: beginner, intermediate and RX. 

Check-in will begin at 9am. First heat will start at 9:30am & we should be done with the final heat by 1pm. Heat times will be published after registration closes. 

For more information or to reserve your spot, visit:

WOD #1

5 rounds for time of:

12 deadlifts
9 hang cleans
6 push jerks

Beginner: 3 rounds @ 75/45#
Intermediate: 5 rounds @ 115/75#

RX: 5 rounds @ 155/115#

(9-minute timecap for all divisions)

WOD #2 & #3

4-minute AMRAP:
Beginner: 7 ring rows, 12 step-ups to 20"
Intermediate: 7 pull-ups, 12 box jumps (24/20")
RX: 7 chest-to-bar pull-ups, 12 box jumps (30/24")

-- 1 minute rest, then -- 

2 minute AMRAP of: 

Beginner: Abmat sit-ups

Intermediate: hanging knee raises
RX: toes-to-bar

WOD #4

AMRAP thrusters in 8 minutes; on the top of every minute, perform the designed number of burpees listed below

Beginner: 3 burpees OTM, thruster 75/45#
Intermediate: 5 burpees OTM, thruster 95/65#

RX: 5 burpees OTM, thruster 135/95#


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Athlete's Core Workshop Part 3 - Free!

Join Dr. Kristin from Chiropractic Healthcare of Buckhead to learn what to focus on with mobilizing and stretching, and what needs to be stabilized or activated BEFORE and AFTER those high intensity, high volume, Open workouts. Get yourself best prepared and prevent injury for those notorious WODs!!

When: Saturday February 20th, 10am

Where: Venture CrossFit, 2160 Hills Ave NW Bldg B Ste G, Atl 30318

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Clean Eating Challenge

More information coming soon!

The basics: 

  • 30 days of clean eating!
  • No-no foods: gluten, dairy, grains, corn, soy, alcohol, processed food/sugars
  • Limited foods: sugar (stick to fruits; sparingly)
  • by the numbers: measurements, weigh in, photos
  • there will be requirements for minimum number of classes per week, etc. 
  • $10 buy-in covers cash prize/prize packages for top 3 winners!

Sign up at the gym! 


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Athlete's Core Workshop - FREE!

Join Dr Kristen Dominguez of Chiropractic Healthcare of Buckhead 11am this Saturday, January 9th, at Venture CrossFit for a FREE Core Basics Workshop. If having good posture and getting back into the gym are on your list for 2016 then you will not want to miss this. No CrossFit experience needed to attend!

Where: Venture CrossFit

When: Jan 9, 2016 11am

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Holiday Rowing Challenge

Join Team Venture CrossFit in the Concept2 2015 Holiday Rowing Challenge. Starting November 26th, you will have 30 days to complete 100,000m and the best's FREE to sign up plus Concept2 donates $.02/kilometer completed to one of 4 Charities! Its a Win Win Win!  See below for more details. We will be open Thanksgiving Day from 9-11am for everyone looking to chip away and start logging their distance. Click on the image below to sign up today! 

WHERE: Venture Crossfit
WHEN: November 26 - December 24

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Our vision is to bring women together for a 1-day competition benefitting breast cancer research. Our goal is to allow women at any fitness level to compete, socialize with a great community & support a great cause. Join us for an exciting competition as an athlete or spectator! 

The event is a 2-person team event with two divisions: one for beginners, one for intermediate/experienced athletes. 

NOTE: This event is designed for beginner-intermediate CrossFitters, to raise money for breast cancer research and to have FUN with a great community of women. You won't see any WODs over 10-minutes; no Oly lifts; no super-duper heavy weights. 

WHERE: Venture Crossfit
WHEN: Saturday, November 14 @ 8:00am - 4:00pm
